Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sparkling And Shining Like A Star

(Ph. Private)
Necklace - ASOS


I know I was a very bad blogger... during my summer vacations I just made some quick posts on my FB page and Instagram account and deserted this blog, but now I'm back to you well relaxed and full of energy and ideas.

This post is about a sparkle-and-shine-like-a-star look based on my Valentino Rockstuds, that I particularly liked this summer and that I'm planning to wear again on my September evenings back to town.

In short: what is the main characteristic of Valentino Rockstuds shoes? Easy, their studs. Do you shine? Yes, the platinum finish ones really do shine. I decided to stress their sparkling attitude matching them with brilliant and white clothes/accessories like the golden sequins top,  glitter clutch and white skinnies and jacket of these pics. I really liked this look, perfect to enhance the (temporary) glow of my summer tan and to shine like a star in the summer nights...  

Btw. these pics were shot at Casa Brusada, one of my favorite wine bar, located in the Montello & Colli Asolani area in North-eastern Italy (renowned for its wines: Prosecco, a  sparkling white, and for some Bordeaux-style reds).

Stay tuned, I'm back.


sì lo so, sono stata una cattiva blogger... durante queste vacanze ho postato soltanto sulla mia pagina FB e sul mio account Instagram e disertato questo blog, ma eccomi qui da voi di nuovo carica di energia. 
Questo post è per parlarvi di un look semplice, ma interessante, che ho ottenuto abbinando le mie rockstud color avorio a degli accessori glitter e bianchi in alcune sere d'estate per un effetto super luminoso, adatto a far risaltare la (temporanea) doratura della mia abbronzatura e la spirit scintillante che l'estate porta con sè. La sera delle foto ho abbinato le mie Rockstuds con un top a fascia in paillettes dorate, dei jeans skinny, una giacca bianca e la mia clutch in glitter... okay, spesso "less is more", ma certe volte è bello esagerare. L'abbinamento delle Rockstuds a degli accessori scintillanti mette in particolare risalto la caratteristica principale di queste scarpe, le piccole borchie con finitura color platino*, che sono davvero brillanti e stanno bene sia con abbinamenti eleganti, che più casual/rockettari. Che ne pensate?

Ps. queste foto sono state scattate all'enoteca Casa Brusada, una delle mie preferite, che si trova nella zona del Montello e dei Colli Asolani (TV), zona di produzione del Prosecco e di alcuni vini rossi di stile bordolese.
A presto.

* Nella versione più classica delle Rockstuds, vi sono infatti anche delle versioni con borchie tono su tono.

Spikey V.


Friday, August 9, 2013

New FW13 trend: lace up sandals (by Zara)

Senza Compromessi/No compromises

Ph. Private
Kimono dress - ADELE FADO

Lace up sandals and sandals boots are an hot trend for next FW13. I love this style, sexy and cool, so I decided to try these ones by Zara. These are my first shoes by the Spanish king of fast-fashion. As you know if you are following me on this blog, I usually prefer to invest on accessories and shoes in particular and mix and match them with lower-cost clothing. 

My short feedback for you:
1) the buying experience was excellent: I ordered them online, chose to have them shipped to a Zara store close to me, was alerted by an sms when they were available in the store and picked them up there easily without having to go to the counter.
2) I really love their style: I'll match them with short dresses like the kimono in these pics or with skinny and maybe rolled-up jeans. 
3)their quality is fair compared to their price, so overall I'm satisfied about these sandals. Mixing luxury with less expensive shoes (in particular for fancy, very seasonal styles), could be a good strategy for a shoeaholic like me and for my wallet.. Okay, I'll try this strategy and I'll keep you updated about this new experience, even if I continue to prefer luxury shoes (their design, quality of leather and components, comfort, allure and durability are no doubt completely different than the ones of budget shoes, as their price ...). 

Do you love this lace up style? what is your experience with less expensive shoes by Zara or other fast-fashion retailers?

Spikey V.