Sunday, June 16, 2013

Vintage Sandals and Are Men Like High Heels?

(Ph. Private)
Leather jacket - PINKO
Silk mini-dress - PINKO
Vintage Sandals with swarosvki - SERGIO ROSSI

High heels are like men... : there are good ones who hurt us, those you don’t like from the beginning; those impossible, which can never be yours (crazy expensive/sold out in every store in the world…); those that appeal you at first, but then you realize that they are nothing special… and finally those that you'll never get tire of having with you!*
Well, the heels of these photos belong to this last category… they are a “vintage” pair of Sergio Rossi sandals with little swarovski (I bought them back in 2003...): I never get tired about them...

My "message" for you, girls, in this post is “let’s accessorize"! Nothing new, as super expert fashionistas you already know about this: investing in good accessories, particularly shoes, it’s one of the first "commandment" of any style Decalogue, but also one which (I believe) will never go out of style…

* it’s a free paraphrase by me of a quote attributed to Carrie in Sex & The City: "Men are like high heels: there are good ones who hurt us; those you don’t like from the beginning, those impossible, which can never be yours; those that appeal you at first, but then you realize that they are nothing special… and finally those that you'll never get tire of having with you!"


  1. Those are really gorgeous! And I'm a big Sex & The City fan too :)

    1. Thank you! I love the NY stories of the "girls" too... Btw, I'm not sure about the attribution of this phrase to Carrie: I found some Italian websites reporting this quote, but no English one...this is really suspect...

  2. As I told Mafalda, I'm not sure the paragon between high heels and men was actually made by Carrie. I found only some Italian sites reporting this quote, no English ones...which is really suspect. According to some authors , any phrase which doesn't have reliable bibliographic sources in the Internet is attributed 99% of times to Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison or Albert Einstein − and for the remaining 1% to another (wrong) author... I guess for fashion is attributed 99% of times to Coco Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent and Carrie Bradshaw − and for the remaining 1% to another (wrong) fashion icon...

  3. Anche qui ci sono delle belle pertiche

  4. Belle anche queste foto che mi ero perso.
    Vorrei essere quel vento che immagino caldo a soffiar sotto le morbide gonne

  5. so many girls who love to wear high heels in each and in every style it makes style very perfect,..!!
